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ЛАМПА "ELOS QUARTZ" - 120 000 импулса за "Me My Elos Soft"

ЛАМПА "ELOS QUARTZ" - 120 000 импулса за "Me My Elos Soft"
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ЛАМПА "ELOS QUARTZ" - 120 000 импулса за "Me My Elos Soft"
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  • Каталожен номер: Лампа за Me My Elos Soft 120 000 импулса
0.00 лв.

Резервна лампа elos QUARTZ за Me My Elos Soft 120 000 импулса

Кварцовата mē лампа издържа 120 000 импулса, които се равняват на повече от шест години при нормална употреба ( първоначалният период на третиране плюс процедури веднъж месечно след това).

Едно от предимствата на mē е, че лампите се сменят изключително лесно.

About mē

The revolution of hair removal is here

From the scientists that inventedIPLand elōs professional technology now comes mē, a clinically proven permanent hair reduction device at the privacy of your own home.
mē is the total hair removal solution - the safe and fastest way to permanently smooth beautiful skin. mē offers the most convenient treatment (a full leg in less than 10 minutes!) with no preparations needed, permanently reducing hair growth for the widest range of skin and hair colors.

Prepare to enjoy the freedom of beautiful smooth skin!


What is elōs

With over 3 million professional elōs hair-removal treatments performed annually - elōs is more than clinically tested, it is medically proven

elōs is the first and only technology that combines the power of bothIPL(Intense Pulse Light) andRF(radio frequency energy). Developed byIPLinventor and patent holder (Dr. Shimon Eckhouse), this revolutionary technology effectively overcomes the safe and procedural limitations of laser andIPLdevices.

elōs technology is a unique combination ofRFandIPL. using gentle pulses of two targeted energies enables better results that can be achieved with lower overall energy output and with the highest level of safe and comfort.

mē is the first elōs at home professional technology hair removal device leveraging on safe and 10 years of proven clinical results.

mē accessories

making your mē a no preparation system
mē is the only device in the market offering you an all-in-one solution!

mē epilatoris a top of the line epilator with 2 speeds gently removing hair at the roots providing lasting smoothness that even enhances your mē experience!

With the mē epilator, results are immediately visible with no preparations needed.    

Мощност9J/ cm2
ПлощДо 6 cm2 в секунда
Дължина на вълната  550-1200nm

Произход: Израел

Производител: SYNERON BEAUTY

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